6 Reasons Framed Gifts are a Great Idea

There is someone special to you, and you want to let them know how much you care. But, maybe, you aren’t sure how. With Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day right around the corner, how do you express your fondness?
The answer might be in a picture frame. Framed gives are ideal for many reasons. For starters, the possibilities of what can be framed are endless — much like the frames themselves. Before brushing aside this idea or deeming it unoriginal, you may want to consider the countless number of things you can frame as a gift.
- Tickets to an event you attended together (i.e. movie, concert, musical)
- Cross-stitched or other handmade gifts
- Their favorite CD or vinyl album
- A page or passage from their favorite book
- A pressed version of their favorite flower
- And, of course, photos of the two of you
Framed gifts have many advantages over regular gifts too. They’re multi-faceted, and lauded for their thoughtfulness as much as their appearance. Here are some benefits to giving a framed gift.
Preserves Memories
Whatever you frame is saved forever. Photos won’t yellow, pressed flower won’t crumble, and edges won’t bend. They’ll be able to look back on that photo or ticket stub for decades to come.
Doubles as a Decoration
If you invest in a stunning silver frame, like the ones in our picture frame collection, it serves as décor too. Sure, you can find frames for a couple of bucks, but the gift will mean so much more with a beautiful and intricately-detailed frame that they can use as decoration.
Framed gifts are practically effortless. The most work goes into determining what exactly you’re going to frame. Once that’s done, you simply print (or collect) what you’re going to frame, find the right frame for the recipient, and pop the two together.
Framed gifts are more personal when you take the time to carefully pick which item to frame. It’s a gift that automatically shows it was a labor of love, and not a labor of money.
Up to You
The design and layout of the gift are entirely up to you. You can buy a collage picture frame to highlight many events and artifacts, or just a simple single picture frame to commemorate one experience. The gift is timeless so you won’t have to worry about the next trend or them outgrowing it throughout the next phase of their lives.
Even the most elegant picture frames can be inexpensive. For example, our silver-plated picture frames start as low as $34.95, and their elegant finish is sure to keep its vitality. As for the cost of the item you’re framing? Most of the time, it’s priceless – literally and figuratively.
Personalized gifts showcase your thoughtfulness and deep caring for the recipient. The ability to express yourself is something that you should take advantage of when it comes to gift-giving, and nothing gives you a better opportunity for self-expression than a picture frame.